My cooking journey began from a diary! Yes, one that was lovingly handed over to me by mom when I got married and which till date I use. Prior to my marriage, for 2 packed years completing my MBA , I never had the time to learn hands on from my mom. Though extremely confident about me, she was a tad unsure if the diary would do justice. But behold! It did. The diary was as detailed and meticulous as she is, it was almost as if she was in the kitchen teaching me hands on. Ever since this journey has only been a thrilling one, incorporating and experimenting newer cuisines, including becoming a certified baker and a cake decorator. My mum and I make sure to cook together as often as possible (on festivals -a must) as for us, just food is not celebration, it is the entire process together that is sheer bliss and nothing less than a celebration for us. Learning from each other and pulling each others leg and then sitting down for a family meal together- is something that is inexplicable and irreplaceable.❤️Thats mum and me❤️cooking together on Janamasthmi and covered in the national daily.

I have traveled the world and tasted and enjoyed every possible cuisine, & even though I’m a vegetarian, I did manage to savour some outstanding delicacies. Back home here in India what concerns me and disappoints me is to see our basic cooking diminishing from urban cities and seen more as an arduous and cumbersome task by many young men & women. Thanks to the master chefs series across the world, cooking has made a comeback but more like a trickle and selectively so. Women and men like to cook what we now a days call gourmet food. I wonder, while all that is ok” what is wrong with daal-rice”?😈😎
Guys, I do want to point out that the way our Indian dishes work, there is a whole lot of science going on behind them.💁🏻It is no ordinary cuisine and most of all it is our moral responsibility to pass on this legacy to future generations. So all you people, you maybe as busy as popcorn on a skillet or lazy, or all hoity-toity, but time to get your aprons on and cook, cook and cook at least 80% Indian food !! Food is not fad.
NOW ,WHAT TO EXPECT IN MY BLOG: I am assuming that my readers are an excited set of cooks expecting to see something new as I totally understand that there are a lot of cooking blogs and even more V-logs on the net, its a bizarre infinite world. And however hackneyed it sounds, I am going to revisit some past glorious & celebrated dishes that may have been lost in the ever growing new culinary world, some totally new experiments of mine( successful ones of course😻), some built on recipes, some dishes/desserts picked up from different countries (with small tweaks) which I enjoyed, some fusion, and some healthy substitutes one – all in all I’ll try and keep it refreshed and new and avoid overly done recipes. Don’t be surprised if there are less of traditional Indian dishes, as Im presenting mostly baked desserts here. Being a business woman I did get my enterprising skills and new innovations in my cooking and believe me some of them are so divine, you may actually fall in love with me for sharing these gems. (you can love me right back by crediting my blog incase you decide to use my recipe and share with friends and families.😁) Hope you enjoy making them and please do share your feedback. I would love to hear from you all, your feedback, your suggestions, anything!! And lastly please excuse if you see more of sweets and less of savoury!! I just get pulled in that direction….🙆What to do😃
Coming up soon, something exciting!❤️
I fell in love with you way back for the person you are ,and only someone who is good within can cook such divine food.i have eaten so many of ur amazing dishes and perfectly baked cakes and u shared the recipies too.
Girl all ur bakes fondant cakes that are so tough but especially the mouth melting macrons that u bake would give the french chefs a complex.
I Can write a blog on how lucky i am to have an amazing positive friend like you and you are as amazing in everything that you cook.
Straight from the heart ….lovely write up .waiting for the recipies
Lovely read dear. U r too positive..god bless