And here I am after a long time with a savoury baked dish. Honestly Im not sure if it is my personal choice that steers me towards sweets or by and large baked dishes consist majorly of desserts? 😎 Well why put so much thought into it. This dish is for all you cheese lovers, out there.,- those who just cant get enough of their cheese dose! People like me certainly, who always go for an extra slice in burgers, extra in pizza, 4 cheese sandwiches and what not..💁🏻 It took me a few recipes, some tweaks and additions to create this beautiful biscuit/cracker. You will note the cheese is lot more than the flour, and that really is what takes it to another level. Its a snack that can be stored upto 7 days in fridge without loosing its cheesy taste. It will need a a quick microwave though before you serve these again. Serve them as is or with your favourite dip and eat as many guilt free ❤️
Servings: 50-70 pieces depending on the cut out size
Grated Cheese: 3 cups
Flour( APF) : 1 cup ( Healthy option would be to take 1/3rd cup each of oats,rice and apf)
Butter: 6tbs
1/2tsp: Paprika
1/4tsp salt
1/4 tsp each of : Oregano and Onion Powder
Ice Cold Water: 2tbsp
Egg: 1 for egg wash
Mix all Ingredients ( except egg) together and referigerate dough for 1 hour. The ice cold water is a must to knead.
Before baking, preheat the oven at 170 degrees. Simultaneously roll out the dough and cut into cute little shapes. You can roll out thin to make them crisp . I roll out slightly thick as I get mouthful flavour of cheese. Your pick totally. Cutting into various teeny shapes maybe exasperating for some, You could just cut them into plain square shapes.
Place on the baking tray lined with parchment paper, brush with egg wash, and keep to bake for 10-12 minutes.The second lot takes lesser time to bake, maybe 8 minutes. Keep checking ! You cant just leave these and and think of doing something else. You will have to be around the oven.👻
Incase you bake them , please post and tag me on Instagram @ girlshuffler_bhavs. On Facebook @bhavnapatel