India being referred to as the land of snake charmers and cow worshippers is technically correct on all accounts, yet it never sounded correct. And now in 2020, when you still hear it, it rather amuses me (read infuriates). Obviously it was more of name calling exhibiting varying degrees of micro aggression (or maybe overt discrimination) practiced by Westerners. We did get a few positive accreditations also which were recognition of the Kamasutra and Yog (though for Yog too, they are eyeing ways to credit it as their own). And as for the Kamasutra, for the uninitiated, it is not just a book on sex, but an ‘art of living’ book that has 7 volumes and talks about various other aspects of life. That we built the Harappa culture (Indus Valley Civilisation with cute little colonies and the most scientific drainage system) when all communities were still forest dwellers, is something ignored and kind of suppressed information. That we were the firsts in many, like Astrology, Medicine (Ayurved) & Plastic Surgery, Numbering System, Physics, (yes distance between Earth and Sun, the shape of Earth) and several other such discoveries are hardly talked about. Indian Mythology, god and goddess, religious scriptures that are made fun of, they all have hidden astrological facts that can stump any modern day physicist. Come on now, we are the oldest civilisation approx. 5000-7000 years and we gotta be doing something good.
We (as in India) almost laid the foundations for mankind to live a proper disclipined life with knowledge and science behind everything we did (even from our sitting posture while eating to the posture while excreting). One would wonder that when we should have actually been bestowed with plaudits the words that were thrown on our face were overlook, disregard, ,underdeveloped, repressed, developing, regressive, mythology, superstitions. Hence the process to trivalise began with the title given to a country that deserved much more.
People’s ever changing & confusing perceptions about India could also be ascribed to the several and deliberate misconceptions, convoluted narratives & premeditated imagery built around it. The fact that we literally are the melting pot of various diverse cultures didn’t help either.
Coming back to the title, I have some interesting stuff to share: Snake charming started off as an essential service to local villages to ward of the snakes, should they enter their homes during night, why kill the poor thing when it can be tamed? We did learn to tame and handle animals lovingly and musically…..and ward of any impending danger. Sometimes their potions were extracted to cure diseases. Needless to say it soon became a means of livelihood for several tribes in India and the best part is that while the snakes lack the outer ear wherein they could listen to music per say they would still move rhythmically to the wave and sound sense of the instrument called ‘been or pungi’. The tribes and communities of India learnt to co-exist with wild animals .(it of course is banned now) As for role of Indian mythology well, Hinduism holds the belief that all living creatures are sacred and promotes the idea of Ahimsa (non-violence) and this very principle helped us co-exist with them for eons. As long as we are not making purses, coats & boots out of these, dancing, some harmless & some dangerous creatures, seriously we are quite okay with the rest. I do not want to be part of any such country that has an entire fashion industry thriving on animal skin purses and bags to the tune of 1 billion $.
Coming to cow worship – this is not a recent phenomenon, but as old as our civilisation. We give the cow the status of mother and hence ‘gaumata’. Just for a minute let us ignore the sanctimonious perception around it and talk of just the scientific benefits. Panchagayvya – milk, ghee, curd, dung and urine, makes this animal unique. This combination kills and treats fatal diseases and don’t be surprised at the last two. We all know that cow dung is used as manure and fertiliser and in Indian villages it is even used as an option of cheap fuel. However since these docile bovines eat only grass, their dung contains some amazing antimicrobial stuff in their faeces that are currently being studied in medicine. Well urine consumption treats cancer. In fact, sadly many of our own Indian scientists invalidate this and call this another tactic of hindus to promote pseudo-science. However if that was it then why is USA is trying so hard to patent healing properties of cow urine? Why are they producing cow urine filled capsules?

If the world instead of heading straight for the meat and skin looked at other benefits of animals and co existed with them, we wouldn’t be such a bad race. (Disclaimer : no offence to non vegetarians or any other religion-, just stating facts) India and Hindus by and large followed this to the T, at least till the longest time – Believing in living and letting live, as we were mindful of the fact that other species too have as much right on this planet as we do.
For the naysayers who would like to point various conflicting stances of our country on cows , to them I can only say that 5000 years is long long time for any civilisation and being consistent is not something that comes easy, so we are okay with the brickbats too. But secretly still happy not to be part of a country that excels in mass annihilation of cows ONLY for meat consumption and has ended up eroding the ozone layer on top of their heads. (read Australia!- so much for environment conservation)
The ethnocentric & almost bellicose attitude of the world towards India time and again, denigrating us, our contributions to mankind ever since we came into existence and till date, baffles me and makes me mull over the hypocrisy that surrounds us. Surely with information available on our fingertips people can read once if they cannot think twice before uttering something foolish? OR is it that – to shoot straight is so much easier than to think straight- HA! Despite the fact that we are thinking animals.
Author: Bhavna Gupta Patel
*Images used are not mine
Bhavna We cringe when they call us a land of snake charmers and cow worshippers, cause no one had an answer to it so we just learnt to live with this mockery .u hav explained so explicitly and taken this kind of stand that dont be foolish to convert our virtues into mockery.Vow 🙏
Vow on one hand you talk so easily about AI and Cognitive di… (heard for the fist tim ) on the other hand to write with such love and pride about ur country to show a mirror to the world.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Bhavna ,how logically u hav explained to us and the world what happens (ozone layer destroyed,)when others country’s dont co exist with animals and its so hard hitting ,u hav silenced them for all times to come. 👍🤣
Bhavna ur pride in your country is so contagious thst it has filled me with
immense pride too .Thanks u rock👌💃
Thankyou for giving us the answers ,we are better equiped how to take pride in our country .now ts high time that like you we all become vocal about our Divine country amd its culture.🙏🏻
Interesting write up Bhavna.. for each point , you have put forth a rationale behind why we do what we do..
You have put logical perspective to our cultural beliefs
While reading, I took pride in the kaleidoscope of our culture and our roots in varied fields of science thanks mentioned by you 👍
Interesting write up Bhavna.. for each point , you have put forth a rationale behind why we do what we do..
You have put logical perspective to our cultural beliefs
While reading, I took pride in the kaleidoscope of our culture and our roots in varied fields of science mentioned by you 👍
thanks meenu 🙂