Let me forewarn you, this is not a regular read on AI. Some of you may actually dislike the article, some may think of it as pseudo intellectual while others may simply laugh it off or still others may totally deny it; but if there is even a handful (maybe 1) who are able to understand my perspective I’ll be one happy woman. As what I talk about here is a very radical viewpoint  of what is going around us. Let me begin by telling you, I’m not talking about AI (artificial intelligence) and the good scientists or visionaries of this century who are  actually  using AI for the upliftment of mankind .

I talk about a small group of people called the Techno chauvinists. Techno chauvinism is a word ascribed to a certain clique of people who are more than convinced that AI at some stage will outstrip human brains, (if not humans by and large,the hollywood movie types) but definitely become far more intelligent than the creator. The word I think has a slight negative connotation, perhaps so because they  (let’s call them the TC’s for ease) are moving at  a fast pace (correction: maniacal pace) and seem to be consumed in their own quest of proving so. Come hell or high water, they are inordinate and obsessive in trying to establish the AI supremacy, hence the name: Techno chauvinists (TC’s). 

AI has had  a sporadic & erratic rate of progress over the last 60-70 years. After the Turing test  by Alan Turing in early 1950’s, where he tried creating a machine that could ‘think like humans’, AI’s progress slowed down in the 60’s-80’s:Reason being that while human minds have neural networks with information being passed through these networks effortlessly, AI worked primarily in layers and each layer was independent of the other, with no connection between them. But only until the mid-late 90’s when Deep Machine Learning was a major breakthrough in AI and since then there has been no looking back. Deep Learning Model works on 2 things, 1)  Neurals  2) More and more data; and needless to say AI has achieved incredible accuracy with this model. Hence IBM’s Deep Blue Chess program, Google’s AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and a few more Alpha’s  were huge success’s and our good old TC’s couldn’t stop gloating. However this knowledge that is incorporated in AI can be done only through data and more data, any inaccuracy in data will clearly reflect in the results. Hence that is the reason, why self driven cars are right there, but still not there. Lack of human consciousness in AI will always be its biggest impediment. At some stage there always will be a dead end for AI. Better and higher speed, better computation, all of that will continue, but superior than humans, no way, that’s not happening. But the TC’s being TC’s will do anything and so the only way this could be turned around was to attack the intelligence of human mind : Enslave them to technology to the extent that they stop using their minds, become antiquated and redundant. (And Im not talking about superficial addiction to smart phones and tablets here) Read On to know how?

Human brain with its extensive neural network, high intuition and pattern recognition uses up billions of neurons to make that split second decision. (its not just a random decision we make). That is the power we are talking of here. When we outsource our thinking to the machines and algorithms, we can be sure of diminishing brain power. We have maps to plan our routes for us, Netflix to suggest our movies, you tube and some music apps to prepare our playlists; when we write emails, we get pre decided pop up replies that we can click on. How many telephone numbers do you remember  off hand and don’t depend on your contact list to dial up a friend. (For me in  late 90’s at least 50 no’s, and now only a sad 5 ). Pray, tell me why we need apps to do meditation? Why do we need apps to tell us how to squat and do jumping jacks? Its like forced entry, uninvited guests in your otherwise serene life. Until 10 years ago, no one had heard of dating apps, today – you swipe right left or whatever to find your perfect match ; well in another 10 years from now, your fingers can heave a sigh of relief as by then you will have algorithms find the prefect match for you.

If you have heard of Social Engineering, than you will know there is a deliberate attempt to mould, condition and manipulate your minds using deception. (For those of you who still don’t realise the real  objective of the social media sites like FB, Insta, TT or even Whats app, then you are living in a fool’s paradise.) How the algorithms of these apps work and how they have invaded your lives, thereby resulting in a slow but steady cognitive loss.

When you enter a mall, and different sellers lure you with their products and offers- what do you do; you make a conscious choice, because, what they are doing is obvious to you. In case of the TC’s unfortunately, you don’t know whats happening, so the question of making a choice does not arise. You are simply moving along with the storm.

In fact sadly,  we are led to believe , that living in such times and having that little know-how about technology, we are actually expanding our brains. This couldn’t be farther from truth.  Down the line, there will actually only be a handful (don’t take it literally) of humans who are more superior than the machines, but the masses at large would have stopped using their minds completely .

Why else would Elon Musk (No, he is not a TC and in fact is the greatest astrophysicist of this century,who is yet to receive his due) establish a company – NeuraLink, to specially develop a chip that can  be embedded in human brains, so that if, in the future the need arises for them to communicate with the much intelligent machines and understand their language, this plantable chip comes to rescue? Seriously? Would humans have become that incapable a few years from now. Is this his fear, foresightedness or premonition?

I’m sure all of us have seen one of those grandiose hollywood movies wherein you see computers taking over the world and the entire Human Race. Well honestly when I saw Matrix and the likes of it, much of it didn’t make sense to me back then; but a few years down the line, when it did start falling in place I brushed it off again thinking its going to happen some where in the distant future like a good 200-300 years away. However now, it seems to be a very close and daunting reality, so much so, that our generation may actually be around to witness this.

The intent of this article is  a humble attempt to juxtapose AI with the human brain and explain to the TC’s that we don’t need, one at the cost of the other. They (human brain+ AI)can both co-exist . 

And do not expect answers in my articles as they are meant to stimulate further thinking, as arriving at a conclusion is not that simple. Lastly I have nothing against AI and development but you see, I’m too much in love with the human brain to let go of it that easily. Why isn’t there a clan of people obsessed with developing the brain instead? (why run after silly machines) Don’t you feel so? And I haven’t even touched the power of the subconscious mind yet. 

 Come back for more on this topic!! Until then, Ciao.


  1. Really liked this thought provoking write up.

    The verbiage, the terminology may be daunting at first but the point put is extremely valid Bhavna.

    I believe that no matter AIs, have superhuman capabilities, but only in their specific areas of dominance. A chess-playing AI cannot clean the floor or take you from point A to point B altogether and show emotional intelligence at the same time.

    If we are able to come back home and talk to Alexa or Siri at an emotional level like we would to our family or close friends then I would really feel that these machines have outsmart us.

    Waiting for your next blog 😊


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