In movement
Or stillness 

In the bustle
Or the deafening silence 

In greetings
Or goodbyes 

In the smiles of an innocent child 
Or the sadness in the eyes of an elderly 

In the storm before the lull
Or the lull itself 

In the joviality
Or in the futility of it all 

In attaching significance to trivia
Or ignoring that what is significant 

In the vastness of oceans
Or in the narrows of a lane 

In the grandness of this universe
Or in the diminutiveness of our being 

Is it in the journey
Or in the destination
Why is it all eerily soundless outside 
yet chaotic within
The chirping of birds
The flurry and theBuzz
All seem distant

Surreal or Real
There a’int no line
One merges with the other
And we are left wondering
What is life 
It is in nothing 
yet in everything

Author : Bhavna Gupta PatelReplyForward


  1. Bhavna this truly is unbelievable! Never before have i read anything like this.
    This is saransh of Bhagwad Gita. Thankyou


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