When a hard glare
Works better than a smile
A little arrogance is respected more than
A little kindness
Soft and gentle is for wuss
Loud and rude connotes power?
Helping hand is looked upon with suspicion
Networking a part of business enhancement
Staying reclusive means
Staying connected means ‘nothing better to do’
Being patient -will get you nothing
Create ruckus and, all will attend to you?
Appreciation is buttering up
But flagrant flattery is not?
Ignoring and walking past by seems easier
Stopping and saying hello
Not anymore
Talking and laughter is the innate desire
But arguments and altercations win hands down
As if Ego wasn’t enough,
Ego validation is even more desired
Everyone can do with a hug or two
But no one wants to give a cue
Gripped by insecurities
And changing goals
Headed we are
In a mindless rush
Totally okay with swapping values
Adapting and accepting
Whatever is thrown at us
Time to pause
And ruminate
Are these the times we are prepared for?
Author: Bhavna Gupta Patel